In Memory of Elenor Crocket - Poet, Playwright, Artist, Woman-About-Town in Austin in the 1970’s through the 1990s.

The Austin Journal of Creative Intent

The Austin Journal of Creative Intent seeks to discover the 'Poetics' of a movement.

Poets are needed now more than at any time in the past 50 years.  Our society has no resting place or grounding       

Poetics.  Those are" the underlying “rules” or patterns that guide the creation of cultural products within a specific society or era.".

Poetics = the patterns in language that guide the creation of the culture of a particular society. 

What is possible in the realm of language that can transform the context of AUSTIN WHICH IS THE PHYSICAL CONTEXT OF the culture we live in?

There are no wrong answers.  We just need answers. Now.  50 statements from Austin Poets and authors are needed by March 16.

What are your tools and what is your intent?