Mueller Lakes

The next neighborhood over from mine in Austin is Mueller, which is a redevelopment of the Old  Mueller Airport.   In order to build the neighborhood and not flood all of East Austin, they had to build an extensive retention system to hold back the water.  They went a step further to pump purified waste water from the purification plant on the Colorado River back to Mueller to be used for irrigation.   An extensive lake system with park land around it was built to manage this water.

The "Thinkery,"  a red Building in the background, is the Children's Museum, nestled in the center of the entire project, about 4 blocks from the Dell Children's Hospital.

The Browning Aviation Hanger is used as a public space. A farmers market meets there every Sunday.  The air shaft tower from the Dell Children's Hospital is seen in the background.  The Browning Hanger is often incorrectly identified as the first airplane hanger in Austin.  The first hanger was the Austin Aero hanger which was demolished in 2013 without out much noise from local residents.  It was located on RR 2222 and Avenue D, about 2 miles from the Browning Hanger. 

One feature of the park is an extensive hike and bike system

From the same spot as the above images can be seen the transition from a big open space to a rookery from wild birds and butterflies.  Here is where the nature trails begin.

Wide gravel paths accomodate traffic

Sculpture gardens abound include works by Chris Levack

Contigo Restaurant can be seen through the trees.

I call it Contigo Lake because its near the restaurant.  I am sure the city calls it something else, like reservoir X, but probably not Reservoir Dog.

A built up embankment on which there is a gravel path protects the restaurant as well as the street and the entire neighborhood from flooding. 

Picnic area and rock outcroppings create personal space.  You can go there and eat a barbecue sandwich, write poetry, paint or think.




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