Bronze Rose Bowl

A show director asks me, do those things sell?

Bottom of Bronze Bowl

Bottom of Bronze Bowl

I had just explained, when Im in the studio and I need a Bowl, I just hammer one out of flat sheet metal  

Flame Patina Interior

Flame Patina Interior

I find vessels handy to put stuff in. When it comes time to pack up for the show, I pick up all bowls and bring them along



This particular vessel has a rose chased into the bottom using a recently acquired set of tools. I make bowls because I make bowls.   I don’t mean to be tautological.  The object is the end in itself. I find it convenient to use them as vessels for small stuff.



Sometimes I’m really in a hurry.  The bronze loops pictured above are connectors for my mobiles. I punched the vessel out then threw the o-rings in there to keep them handy. I will keep working on the vessel until it’s ‘finished.’  It’s finished when someone buys it.  

Martini - Not A Bowl - a celebration when someone buys one. 

Martini - Not A Bowl - a celebration when someone buys one. 

I have been making and selling vessels for years.  Sometimes they take years to complete.  

The Coloration Station

The Coloration Station

Currently I have one at the coloring station that has been on and off the display for two years. it will be ready in two weeks for the Bayou City Art Festival in Downtown Houston.  

Bowl of Menudo from Joe’s Bakery in Austin, Texas.  

Bowl of Menudo from Joe’s Bakery in Austin, Texas.  

My vessels are currently priced anywhere from $45 to $215.  I used to use little salt bowls for stuff. You can get a large bowl of stainless steel at HEB for about $6.  These are good for popcorn.  The vessels which I make are better for diamonds, hearing aid batteries or caugh drops. I find them useful for storing coins. Coins add up.  Get one of my bowls, fill it up with coins three times and it will have paid for itself. 


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